Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Friday the 13th! Da da Duuunnn!

When you looked at your phone this morning (or newspaper and/or calendar if you’re my 88-year old grandpa) did you happen to notice what today was? I’d be willing to say that you likely did. I’d also venture that for a the briefest of moments, a twinge of fear swept over you… because today is…. dun dun duh… FRIDAY THE 13TH!
Then, after that vignette of terror, you probably used your modern rationale, dismissed the foreboding omen as superstition, and went on with your day. But, if you get a flat, or tear your shirt, or spill your coffee, you’ll tell everybody “this stuff always happens to me on Friday the 13th”…
And then you are another victim of paraskavedekatriaphobia.
So obviously, Friday the 13th is said to be the most unlucky day, but have you ever thought where this superstition was started and why? The history behind the superstition has a very Christian origin, even if we are called to resist superstition.  
The roots of Friday the 13th are often thought to come from a few main events, that in the popular Christian psyche. have had the overwhelming, accumulated dog-piling effect of making Friday the 13th that all renowned day of “bad luck”.
Early Christians believed that “The Fall” of mankind, when Eve tempted Adam to eat the apple happened on a Friday. Now, I am not sure of the biblical exegesis that went into making that determination, but I can certainly understand why our ancestors would rue the day the original sin was unleashed. It was also held that death, the fruit of the Fall, was first tasted by Adam and Eve on a Friday.

Looking further into Genesis, early Christian and Jewish traditions also placed the day of the Great Flood and the confusion at the Tower of Babel both began on Fridays. The Destruction of the Temple of Solomon was also said to happen on a Friday. To understate the obvious, all of these days were pretty bad days for us humans… all on Fridays.
But that’s Fridays, what about the whole “13th” aspect? This where we now move on to the New Testament, where connections between rueful things and the number 13 were made by early Christians. There were 13 people present at the Last Supper, with the 13th being the traitor Judas. 13 was also viewed as a perversion of the very biblically significant number 12 (apostles, tribes, etc.)
Then with the crucifixion of Our Blessed Lord on Good Friday, the day Friday would forever marked for all of history…
So with all of those events marking the significance of both the number 13 and the day of the week, Friday, both had become viewed as especially unlucky when in conjunction.
This fear of Friday the 13th was perhaps cemented even more in the Middle Ages when it is said that the French King Philip IV gave orders on Friday, Oct. 13, 1307, to arrest the Knights Templar and destroy the order and seize their land and wealth.
But as Catholics, while it can be easy to fall into superstition (ask anyone with a devoutly Catholic, ethnic grandmother), we have to remember that superstition is folly and can actually be sinful.
The old Baltimore Catechism (lesson 16, #212) reads
“A person sins by superstition when he attributes to a creature a power that belongs to God alone, as when he makes use of charms or spells, believes in dreams or fortune-telling, or goes to spiritists.
The current Catechism of the Catholic Church considers superstition to be sinful in the sense that it denotes a lack of trust in the divine providence of God and, as such, is a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments, defining superstition as “a perverse excess of religion” (para. #2110). The Catechism attempts to dispel commonly held preconceptions or misunderstandings about Catholic doctrine relating to superstitious practices:
Superstition is a deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes. It can even affect the worship we offer the true God, e.g., when one attributes an importance in some way magical to certain practices otherwise lawful or necessary.
On the nature of superstition in the life of a Catholic, the Catholic Encyclopedia says it well:
“The source of superstition is, in the first place, subjective. Ignorance of natural causes leads to the belief that certain striking phenomena express the will or the anger of some invisible overruling power, and the objects in which such phenomena appear are forthwith deified, as, e.g. in Nature-worship. Conversely, many superstitious practices are due to an exaggerated notion or a false interpretation of natural events, so that effects are sought which are beyond the efficiency of physical causes”
“The apparent success which so often attends a superstition can mostly be accounted for by natural causes, although it would be rash to deny all supernatural intervention (e.g. in the phenomena of Spiritism). When the object is to ascertain, or to effect in a general way, one of two possible events, the law of probabilities gives an equal chance to success and failure, and success does more to support than failure would do to destroy superstition, for, on its side, there are arrayed the religious instinct, sympathy and apathy, confidence and distrust, encouragement and discouragement, self-suggestion and — perhaps strongest of all — the healing power of nature.”
“Superstition of any description is a transgression of the First Commandment: “I am the Lord thy God,– thou shalt not have strange gods before me. Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath . . . thou shalt not adore them nor serve them” (Exodus 20:2-5). It is also against the positive law of the Church, which visits the worst kinds of superstitions with severe punishments, and against the natural law inasmuch as it runs counter to the dictates of reason in the matter of man’s relations to God.”
“Such objective sinfulness is inherent in all superstitious practices from idolatry down to the vainest of vain observances, of course in very different degrees of gravity. With regard to the subjective guilt attaching to them it must be borne in mind that no sin is mortal unless committed with full knowledge of its grievous wickedness and with full deliberation and consent. Of these essential factors the first is often wanting entirely, and the second is only imperfectly present. The numerous cases in which the event seemed to justify the superstitious practice, and the universality of such incongruous beliefs and performances, though they may not always induce inculpable ignorance, may possibly obscure the knowledge and weaken the will to a point incompatible with mortal sin. As a matter of fact, many superstitions of our own day have been acts of genuine piety at other times, and may be so still in the hearts of simple folk.”

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to Oyr Mother and Queen of Heaven!!!!<3
Here are some poems to celebrate Mary's Birthday and also, why not Offer a Rosary to Mary as a Birthday gift today, your mother hasn't heard from you in decades;)

The Birthday of Our Queen
All hail, O new world! Come and see
Here in a cradle lies our Queen,
Mother of God, one day to be,
O come and see this heavenly scene.
A beauteous, fragrant rose-bud,
Immaculate! God's own flower,
His masterpiece of royal blood
Who came to earth this midnight hour!
Thousands of angels stand to guard
This mystical counterpart of God
And Seraphs play sweet lullabies
Upon their harps, as Cherubs laud.
Hail holy babe! Hail full of grace!
With wee hands clasped, with eyelids closed
She talks with God - face to face!
Sr. Francis Marie
Robert, Cyril. Mary Immaculate: God's Mother and Mine. Poughkeepsie, NY: Marist Press, 1946.
September's Child

Birth of the Virgin Mary
Mariae Geburt
September's skies are sapphire hue;
Blue gentians star the woods at morn
Near crystal pools in woodland aisles -
In this bright month a Queen was born.
No silver fanfare filled the air
As angel wings flashed round the child;
No crown was placed upon her head,
But at her halo, Heaven smiled.
October's trees wear rosaries
Of gold and scarlet, green and brown,
And as the west wind fingers them
The Ave-leaves drift slowly down.
May raises high her blossom-shrines
Where bird-choirs sing their wood-notes wild,
But both these months pay homage to
A blue-gowned Queen - September's child.
Sr. Maryanna 
Nativity of Our Lady
Deep hung the pagan darkness when she came,
Christ's Mother, to the world of sin and woe,
The sweet uplifter earth had sighed for so.
The vestal lights burned dim; the rose wreath's flame
Leaped into ashes, like hearts dead to shame.
Once bright with virtue's rare and chastening glow,
Until by pagan passion-fires brought low;
Honor was dead, and vice alone was fame.
Then shone the glory of true womanhood,
The strong, the pure, the gentle and the good,
Through her creation claimed a bartered right,
New flowers flushed in pagan gardens wild.
Ascendant, like the day-star in the night,
Reigned the Christ's Mother, sinless, undefiled.
F.L. Murphy - The Apostle - September 1965.
Our Lady's Nativity
Star of the morning, how still was thy shining,
when its young splendor arose on the sea!
Only the angels, the secret divining,
hailed the long-promised, the chosen, in thee.
Sad were the fallen, and vainly dissembled
fears of "the woman" in Eden foretold;
darkly they guessed, as believing they trembled,
who was the gem for the casket of gold.
Oft as thy parents bent musingly o'er thee,
watching thy slumbers and blessing their God,
little as they dreamt of the glory before thee,
little they thought thee the mystical Rod.
Though the deep heart of the nations forsaken
beat with a sense of deliverance nigh;
true to a hope through the ages unshaken,
looked for "the day-spring" to break "from on high";
Thee they perceived not, the pledge of redemption
hidden like thought, though no longer afar;
not through the light of a peerless exemption
beamed in thy rising, immaculate star!

The Nativity of the Virgin Mary
All in the twilight, so modestly shining,
dawned thy young beauty, sweet star of the sea!
Only the angels, the secret divining,
hailed the elected, "the Virgin" in thee.
B.H.D. Catholic World - September 1870, v.11, page 825
Our Lady's Birthday
My heart went out ashopping
on life's highway
to choose a precious present
for Mary's birthday:
It trafficked first with pleasure;
her wares were all unfit
to give the Queen of Sorrows
whose days were grief-lit.
The shop of wealth allured it -
with ivory, silver, jade;
with coffers, gold-enladened;
with luxuries man-made.
But heart o'mine was sated
within a little hour -
what would Lady Mary's be
a precious, precious present
for her of Galilee.
But fame refused admittance -
Since years and years ago
Mary had defrauded it,
had gone incognito.
Just around the corner
in a quiet byway,
my heart came on a present
for Mary's birthday:
Beauty, royal beauty,
was hourly being wrought
by craftsmen of the shops of God -
ah! Could this gift be bought!
Sir Chastity, the Weaver,
with Lady Poverty,
obedience, the priceless woof -
the wheel - constancy.
My heart has done its shopping
in the King's byway;
and Mary shall have beauty
as gift on her birthday.
Frances Marie Shannon The Sign - September 1934
All the saints found it hard to believe St. Ann when she said she remembered little Mary in a knee-length dress, with pigtails and bangs, with sandals on her feet. . . when she ran through Polish backyards and looked into the well and was greeted not by an angel, but by a dog with a wagging tail.

(Fr. Jan Twardowski, Tak ludzka)
Happy Birthday to MAry!!!!!♥♥♥-J.M.J
God love you-<3 Heart

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hello September!!!!!!!

September is a great month! The weather begins to cool, blue sky, crisp air, the beginning of that "lets get cozy season with apple cider! lol.September is traditionally dedicated to the Seven Sorrows (or Dolours) of Mary, and the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows falls in September. The Sorrows are:the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the loss of the Holy Child at Jerusalemfor three days, meeting Jesus on his way to Calvary,standing at the foot of the Cross, Jesus being taken from the Cross, and the burial of Christ. Read more about Our Lady of Sorrows in our article here.
So this month,
Indulgences for devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows are three hundred days each day, and the devotions may be performed in public or private; a plenary indulgence on any day of September or 1-8 October under the usual conditions. I would also like to dedicate this month to the guardian angels and everyone else is welcome to do the same, the reason I ahve chosen to do so is 1st to prepare myself for the feast of the guardian angels which is actually at the beginning of next month, and 2nd, I dont really know why, I just had a feeling that I wanted to dedicate this month to my guardian angel and thats basically it.
Thats not all thats going on this month, we also get to celebrate Mary's Birthday!, which is the 8th of this month and we also celebrate Michaelmas! What is Michaelmas you ask? Michaelmas day is the feast day of St. Michael the Archangel! which is on the 29th. St. Michael is the patron of the sea and maritime lands, ships and boatman, horse, horsemen, policeman, ect. He was the angel who hurled lucifer down/out of heaven for his treachery. It is also the day to celebrate the harvest.;)                                            
Another feast day which we get to celbrate in the month of September isthat of St. Januarius. He was a martyr and every year on his feast day his blood, which is kept in a glass container (I'm not realyl sure what you call it) Liquefies, it's so cool, a friend of my went there on his feast day last year and saw! So awesome! I want to see it one day myself;)

I would also like to share this with you :here are the Holy Father's Monthly Intentions for September 2013. God bless!


Value of Silence. That people today, often overwhelmed by noise, may rediscover the value of silence and listen to the voice of God and their brothers and sisters.
Persecuted Christians. That Christians suffering persecution in many parts of the world may by their witness be prophets of Christ's love.

This month Indulgenced prayers are below and if you like you can use them any time that  you like, you usually have to say them  for a full month to gain the indulgence, just to let you know if you want to follow along:

O Mary, Virgin Mother of God, Pray to Jesus for me!
An indulgence of 300 days; plenanry indulgence under the usual conditions, for the devout recitation of this invocation every day throughout a month)

Mary Most Sorrowful, Mother of Christians Pray for us! (An indulgence of 300 days; plenanry indulgence under the usual conditions, for the devout recitation of this invocation every day throughout a month)

Angel of God, My Guardian Dear to whom Gods love commits to me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide Amen.
Prayers for the Month of September<3-heart 
                                                           Bye now and God love you!
                                                                   (Fulton j. Sheen)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Hail, holy Queen!
An altar painting in the Marienkirche in the German village of Niederweidbach, depicting Mary’s coronation in Heaven.
Today is the Catholic feast of Mary’s Queenship. The feast was added to the calendar of saints in 1954, placed one week after the feast of the Assumption.

   August 22 is the Feast of The Immaculate Heart of Mary, Traditional Calendar and the Queenship of Mary, the New Calendar. October 11 is the Feast of the Divine Maternity, both Calendars and the Queenship of Mary, Traditional Calendar.

On the 11th OF October 1954, Pope Pius XII established the Feast of the Queenship of Mary to be celebrated throughout the world, and commanded that on that day each year, the world should renew its consecration to her. In the future the Feast came to be celebrated on 22nd of August. 

"The purpose of the Feast is that all may recognize more clearly and venerate more devoutly the merciful and motherly sovereignty of her who bore God in her womb" (Ven. Pius XII, Ad. Coeli Reginam). 

On the day of her Assumption, Mary our Mother was solemnly crowned by Christ and received by the whole court of Heaven as Queen. 

A 19th century German engraving of Christ welcoming Mary in Heaven after her Assumption.

What Christ has done in Heaven and the Church has done on our behalf we should now do individually, that is, we should recognize Mary's Queenship, enthrone her in our homes, consecrate ourselves to her and, by this means, establish in our lives the reign of Mary Immaculate Queen of the Universe.

 More on Mary's Queenship 
                                                            by Fr. William G. Most
The beginning of the concept that Mary is a Queen is found in the annunciation narrative. For the angel tells her that her Son will be King over the house of Jacob forever. So she, His Mother, would be a Queen.
The Fathers of the Church soon picked up these implications. A text probably coming from Origen (died c. 254: cf. Marian Studies 4, 1953, 87) gives her the title domina, the feminine form of Latin dominus, Lord. That same title also appears in many other early writers, e.g. , St. Ephrem, St. Jerome, St. Peter Chrysologus (cf. Marian Studies 4. 87-91). The word "Queen" appears abut the sixth century, and is common thereafter (Marian Studies, 4, 91-94).
The titles "king" and "queen" are often used loosely, for those beings that excel in some way. Thus we call the lion the king of beasts, the rose the queen of flowers. Surely Our Lady deserves the title richly for such reasons. But there is much more.
Some inadequate reasons have been suggested: She is the daughter of David. But not every child of a king becomes a king or queen. Others have pointed out that she was free from original sin. Then, since Adam and Eve had a dominion over all things (Genesis 1. 26) she should have similar dominion. But the problem is that the royalty of Adam and Eve was largely metaphorical.
The solidly theological reasons for her title of Queen are expressed splendidly by Pius XII, in his Radiomessage to Fatima, Bendito seja (AAS 38. 266): "He, the Son of God, reflects on His heavenly Mother the glory, the majesty and the dominion of His kingship, for, having been associated to the King of Martyrs in the unspeakable work of human Redemption as Mother and cooperator, she remains forever associated to Him, with a practically unlimited power, in the distribution of the graces which flow from the Redemption. Jesus is King throughout all eternity by nature and by right of conquest: through Him, with Him, and subordinate to Him, Mary is Queen by grace, by divine relationship, by right of conquest, and by singular choice [of the Father]. And her kingdom is as vast as that of her Son and God, since nothing is excluded from her dominion."
A crown in the cathedral of Perpignan, France. It was commissioned in 1904 by the then bishop to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.

We notice that there are two titles for the kingship of Christ: divine nature, and "right of conquest", i.e., the Redemption. She is Queen "through Him, with Him, and subordinate to Him." The qualifications are obvious, and need no explanation. Her Queenship is basically a sharing in the royalty of her Son. We do not think of two powers, one infinite, the other finite. No, she and her Son are inseparable, and operate as a unit.
Of the four titles Pius XII gave for her Queenship, we notice that two are closely parallel to those of Jesus:
(1) He is king by nature, as God; she is Queen by "divine relationship" that is, by being the Mother of God. In fact her relation to her Son is greater than that of ordinary Mothers of Kings. For she is the Mother of Him who is King by very nature, from all eternity, and the relationship is exclusive, for He had no human father. Still further, the ordinary queen-mother gives birth to a child who later will become king. The son of Mary is, as we said, eternally king, by His very nature. (2) He is king by right of conquest. She too is Queen by right of conquest. We already saw that this title for Him means that He redeemed us from the captivity of satan. She shared in the struggle and victory. Since the Pope expressed her dependence on Him in a threefold way--something we would have known anyway--then it is clear that he did not have in mind any other restriction which he did not express. So, maintaining this subordination, "by right of conquest" means the same for her as it does for Him.
The other two titles: (3) She is Queen by grace. She is full of grace, the highest in the category of grace besides her Son. (4) She is Queen by singular choice of the Father. A mere human can become King or Queen by choice of the people. How much greater a title is the choice of the Father Himself!
Pius XII added that "nothing is excluded from her dominion." As Mediatrix of all graces, who shared in earning all graces, she is, as Benedict XV said, "Suppliant omnipotence": she, united with her Son, can obtain by her intercession anything that the all-powerful God can do by His own inherent power.
In the Old Testament, under some Davidic kings, the gebirah, the "Great Lady", usually the Mother of the King, held great power as advocate with the king. Cf. 1 Kings 2:20, where Solomon said to his Mother Bathsheba, seated on a throne at his right: "Make your request, Mother, for I will not refuse you." Here is a sort of type of Our Lady.

O Virgin and Mother, grant that I may always remember thee.

- St Philip Neri
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help or sought your intercession,
was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence,
I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother;
to you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not my petitions,
but in your mercy hear and answer me.
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O merciful, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.
-<3 Heart

Friday, August 16, 2013

Heading Back to school......

If your like me then school is just around the corner and about to get started (for me it's this afternoon) So for all you students out there here you go

Prayer for Students

Under thy patronage, dear Mother, and calling on the mystery of thine Immaculate Conception, I desire to pursue my studies and my literary labors: I hereby solemnly declare that I am giving myself to these studies chiefly to the following end: that I may the better contribute to the glory of God and to the promotion of thy veneration among men. I pray thee, therefore, most loving Mother, who art the Seat of Wisdom, to bless my labors in thy loving-kindness. Moreover I promise with true affection and a willing spirit, as it is right that I should do, to ascribe all the good that shall come to me therefrom, wholly to thine intercession for me in God's holy presence. Amen.

Good Luck and may God Bless all your studies, heard work and endeavors.
You pray for me and I'll pray for you <3-Heart

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mary's Assumption and Crowning

Greetings and Salutations to Everyone!!!
Today we get to celebrate the feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven, and I would like to remind everyone that this is a Holy Day of Obligation, So don't forget to go to mass!  And next week we celebrate her crowning as queen of Heaven
and earth.The Assumption of the Blessed Mother reminds us that we are not meant for this world, that God’s Plan is for us to remain only for a time on this planet. Our final and eternal destination is Heaven. and so Now  let us take a look at what exactly is the assumption.

Mary’s Assumption and Crowning

In the month of August, we celebrate not only the Assumption of the Blessed Mother’s body into heaven on the 15th, but also the crowning of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven on the 22nd of August.
Tradition in the Eastern Catholic Church is that the apostles were with the Blessed Mother at her death—or “dormition” as it is called, the “falling asleep.” However, St. Thomas was the only apostle not present at the time, and when he arrived three days later and asked to see her body in the tomb, they opened it for him. To their amazement, her body was gone. The traditional belief is that Mary herself appeared to the apostles and told them that her Son Jesus took her body to heaven. Another legend of  St. Thomas recieving Mary's girdle probably originated in the East, and was well known in Italy by the 14th century.[3] Thomas is most famous, apart from his mission to India, for the Doubting Thomas episode (John 20:24-29) where he missed thepost-Resurrection appearance of Jesus to the ten other apostles, and said he would not believe Jesus had returned until he had felt his wounds. In the story of the girdle, at the Assumption of Mary, where the other apostles were present, Thomas once again missed the occasion (being on his way back from India), so the Virgin Mary, aware of Thomas' sceptical nature, appeared to him individually and dropped the girdle she was wearing down onto him, to give him a physical proof of what he had seen. In other versions he was miraculously transported from India to the Mount of Olives, to be present at the actual Assumption, and the Virgin dropped her girdle down to him as she was taken up to heaven.[3] Alternatively, only Thomas actually witnessed the Assumption, and the Virgin left the belt as a proof for his story to the other apostles (a neat inversion of the Doubting Thomas episode).[4]
The legend is described briefly in the Golden Legend, with Thomas missing the Assumption and receiving the girdle later
The Church has declared the Blessed Mother as the Queen of Heaven, and celebrates the Feast of the Queenship of Mary a week after the feast of the Assumption.
Some of the prayers of the feast-day make us reflect on just how much God depended on Mary for the salvation of mankind. Our salvation, based on the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, was made possible by the humble assent of Mary.
“Our Lady, you have become the throne of the Most High, and today you go up from earth to heaven. Your glory, shining forth with the radiance of divine grace, surpasses every other splendor. …Hail, O Woman full of grace, the Lord is with you, the Lord who, because of you, bestows great mercy upon the world.”
“Behold, all the heavenly hierarchies – the Dominations, Thrones, Principalities, Virtues, Powers, Cherubim, and Seraphim – sing a hymn of glory to your Dormition. All human races rejoice at your glory, and kings, together with the angels and archangels, sing out to you: ‘Hail, O Woman full of grace!’ The Lord is with you, the Lord who, because of you, bestows great mercy upon the world.”
“As for the most sublime Powers of heaven, they came… to escort and to pay their last respect to the most honorable body that had contained Life Itself. Filled with awe, …they professed … in a hushed voice: ‘Behold the Queen of All, the divine maiden is coming!’ …Lift up your gates and receive with becoming majesty the Mother of the Light that never fades. Because through her, salvation was made possible for our human race. …For the special honor that made her sublime is beyond our understanding…
“Wherefore, O most pure Mother of God, forever alive with your Son, the Source of Life, do not cease to intercede with Him that He may guard and save your people from every trouble, for you are our intercessor.” [Byzantine Daily Worship, pp. 755 to 757]
“Hail, Holy Queen, enthroned above, Hail Mother of mercy and of love! Our life, our sweetness here below, Our hope in sorrow and in woe. Turn then most gracious Advocate, Towards us thine eyes compassionate. When this our exile is complete, Show us your Son, our Jesus sweet. O clement, gracious Mother sweet, O Virgin Mary, we entreat, O Maria.” (words from Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above)
St. Alphonsus Liguori, a Doctor of the Church, wrote the book The Glories of Mary, considered a classic among Catholic writings and which many consider to have been inspired. Writing about the Assumption of Mary, he says that Jesus Himself “went forth from Heaven to accompany His Mother” up to Heaven. St. Alphonsus records the words of Jesus to Mary upon her death:
Come in, soul and body, to enjoy the recompense of thy holy life. If thy sufferings have been great on earth, far greater is the glory which I have prepared for thee in Heaven.
The Assumption by Murillo
On her entrance, [into Heaven]…. The angels proclaim “She is the Mother of our King; she is our Queen, and the blessed one among women; full of grace, the saint of saints, the beloved of God, the immaculate one, the dove, the fairest of all creatures.” Then all the blessed spirits began to bless her and praise her…
All the saints who were in Paradise then came to welcome her and salute her as their Queen. …St. James, the only apostle who was yet in Heaven, also came to thank her in the name of all the other apostles for all the comfort and help she had afforded them while she was on earth. The prophets came to salute her… The holy patriarchs came…Adam and Eve came to thank her…St. Simeon came to kiss her feet. … St. Zachary and St. Elizabeth came and thanked her for that loving visit… by which they had received such treasures of grace. St. John the Baptist came…to thank her for having sanctified him by her voice. … St. Joachim and St. Anne …blessed her, saying, “O beloved daughter, what a favor it was for us to have such a child!”
…her dear spouse, St. Joseph, came to salute her… With what tenderness must he have addressed her: “O my Lady and spouse, how can I ever thank our God as I ought for having made me thy spouse, thou who art His true Mother! Through thee, I merited to assist on earth the Childhood of the Eternal Word, to carry Him so often in my arms, and to receive so many graces. Ever blessed be those moments which I spent in life serving Jesus and thee, my spouse. Behold our Jesus! Let us rejoice that he now no longer lies on straw in a manger… He no longer lives despised in a shop, as He once lived with us in Nazareth; He is now no longer nailed to an infamous gibbet, as when He died in Jerusalem for the salvation of the world; but He is seated at the right hand of His Father as King and Lord of Heaven and earth.”
Then…the great Queen thanked all the angels for their assistance they had given her on earth, and more especially, she thanked the Archangel Gabriel… The humble and holy Virgin, then kneeling, adored the Divine Majesty and …thanked Him for all the graces bestowed upon her by His pure goodness, and especially for having made her the Mother of the Eternal Word.”
Blessed Mother Mary, on the Feast of your Assumption, pray for us. Most holy Virgin Mother, Queen of Heaven, pray for us.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Today is the feast day of my absolute favorite saint!!!! St. Philomena. The first moment I saw her picture(the one I posted above;)] in the adoration chapel, I just simply fell in love with her. Of course all I knew about her for years was just her name and how her body was discovered in the catacombs, but she always had a special place in my heart. I was fortunate again when in another Eucharist adoration chapel years later to discover a book all this little saint and the more I learned about her the more I loved her. I guess you could say Jesus wanted us to be friends<3, which is incidentally what her name means, lol:)
Anyways here is her story below, I hope you come to love he as much as I do, maybe even more:)
Mother Luisa went to the Saint, and begged her not to take any notice of her unworthiness, but to consider that it was a matter of holy obedience, and to reveal more about her life. After that time, there came a day when Maria was alone in her cell and felt her eyes being closed. She heard the gracious voice of St. Philomena. The following account of the life of Saint Philomena is taken from the official account of Fr. Di Lucia’s Relazione Istorici di Santa Filomena and subsequent annals from locutions received by Sr. Luisa di Gesu in August of 1833. These revelations received approval by the Holy Office, (presently the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) on December 21, 1833.

"My dear Sister, I am the daughter of a Prince who governed a small state in Greece. My mother is also of royal blood. My parents were without children. They were idolaters. They continually offered sacrifices and prayers to their false gods.

A doctor from Rome named Publius lived in the palace in the service of my father. This doctor professed Christianity. Seeing the affliction of my parents, by the impulse of the Holy Ghost, he spoke to them of Christianity, and promised to pray for them if they consented to receive Baptism. The grace which accompanied his words enlightened their understanding and triumphed over their will. They became Christians and obtained the long desired happiness that Publius had assured them as the reward of their conversion. At the moment of my birth, they gave me the name of "Lumena," an allusion to the light of Faith of which I had been, as it were, the fruit. The day of my Baptism they called me "Filumena," or "Daughter of Light," because on that day I was born to the Faith. The affection which my parents bore me was so great that they had me always with them.

It was on this account that they took me to Rome on a journey that my father was obliged to make on the occasion of an unjust war with which he was threatened by the haughty Diocletian. I was then thirteen years old. On our arrival in the capital of the world, we proceeded to the palace of the Emperor and were admitted for an audience. As soon as Diocletian saw me, his eyes were fixed upon me. He appeared to be pre-possessed in this manner during the entire time that my father was stating with animated feelings everything that could serve for his defense.

As soon as Father had ceased to speak, the Emperor desired him to be disturbed no longer, to banish all fear, to think only of living in happiness. These are the Emperor’s words, ‘I shall place at your disposal all the force of the Empire. I ask only one thing, that is the hand of your daughter.’ My father, dazzled with an honor he was far from expecting, willingly acceded on the spot to the proposal of the Emperor.

Saint Philomena Cloth Banner

When we returned to our own dwelling, Father and Mother did all they could to induce me to yield to Diocletian’s wishes and theirs. I cried, ‘Do you wish, that for the love of a man, I should break the promise I have made to Jesus Christ? My virginity belongs to him. I can no longer dispose of it.’

‘But you were young then, too young,’ answered my father, ‘to have formed such an engagement.’ He joined the most terrible threats to the command that he gave me to accept the hand of Diocletian. The grace of my God rendered me invincible, and my father, not being able to make the Emperor relent, in order to disengage himself from the promise he had given, was obliged by Diocletian to bring me to the Imperial Chamber.

I had to withstand for some time beforehand a new attack from my father’s anger. My mother, uniting her efforts to his, endeavored to conquer my resolution. Caresses, threats, everything was employed touce me to compliance. At last, I saw both of my parents fall at my knees and say to me with tears in their eyes, ‘My child have pity on your father, your mother, your country, our country, our subjects.’

‘No! No,’ I answered them. ‘My virginity, which I have vowed to God, comes before everything, before you, before my country. My kingdom is heaven.’

Sainte PhilomèneSainte Philomène

My words plunged them into despair and they brought me before the Emperor, who on his part did all in his power to win me. But his promises, his allurements, his threats, were equally useless. He then flew into a violent fit of anger and, influenced by the Devil, had me cast into one of the prisons of the palace, where he had me loaded with chains. Thinking that pain and shame would weaken the courage with which my Divine Spouse inspired me, he came to see me every day. After several days, the Emperor issued an order for my chains to be loosed, that I might take a small portion of bread and water. He renewed his attacks, some of which would have been fatal to purity had it not been for the grace of God.

The defeats which he always experienced were for me the preludes to new tortures. Prayer supported me. I did not cease to recommend myself to Jesus and his most pure Mother. My captivity had lasted thirty-seven days, when, in the midst of a heavenly light, I saw Mary holding the Divine Son in her arms.

‘My daughter,’ she said to me, ‘three days more of prison and after forty days you shall leave this state of pain.’

Such happy news made my heart beat with joy, but as the Queen of Angels had added that I should quit my prison, to sustain, in frightful torments a combat far more terrible than those preceding, I fell instantly from joy to the most cruel anguish; I thought it would kill me.

‘Have courage, my child,’ Mary then said to me; ‘are you unaware of the love of predilection that I bear for you? The name, which you received in baptism, is the pledge of it for the resemblance which it has to that of my Son and to mine. You are called Lumena, as your Spouse is called Light, Star, Sun, as I myself am called Aurora, Star, the Moon in the fullness of its brightness, and Sun. Fear not, I will aid you. Now nature, whose weakness humbles you, asserts its law. In the moment of combat, grace will come to lend you its force, and your Angel, who was also mine, Gabriel, whose name expresses strength, will come to your aid. I will recommend you especially to his care, as the well beloved among my children.’
Honoring Saint Philomena we proclaim the power of God in the strength of His Martyrs, and His Infinite Goodness in the favors He concedes to the prayers of His Saints. This was the theology of the Holy CurÉ of Ars, and this will be ours also.
Father Luis Petit, founder of the UniversalArchconfraternity of Saint Philomena, Paris, France, 1859
These words of the Queen of virgins gave me courage again, and the vision disappeared, leaving my prison filled with a celestial perfume. I experienced a joy out of this world. Something indefinable.

What the Queen of Angels had prepared me for was soon experienced. Diocletian, despairing of bending me, decided on public chastisement to offend my virtue. He condemned me to be stripped and scourged like the Spouse I preferred to him. These are his horrifying words.

‘Since she is not ashamed to prefer to an Emperor like me, a malefactor condemned to an infamous death by his own people, she deserves that my justice shall treat her as he was treated.’

The prison guards hesitated to unclothe me entirely but they did tie me to a column in the presence of the great men of the court. They lashed me with violence until I was bathed in blood. My whole body felt like one open wound, but I did not faint.

The tyrant had me dragged back to the dungeon, expecting me to die. I hoped to join my heavenly Spouse. Two angels, shining with light, appeared to me in the darkness. They poured a soothing balm on my wounds, bestowing on me a vigor I did not have before the torture.

When the Emperor was informed by the change that had come over me, he had me brought before him. He viewed me with a greedy desire and tried to persuade me that I owed my healing and regained vigor to Jupiter, another god that he, the Emperor, had sent to me. He attempted to impress me with his belief that Jupiter desired me to be Empress of Rome. Joining to these seductive words promises of great honor, including the most flattering words, Diocletian tried to caress me. Fiendishly, he attempted to complete the work of Hell which he had begun. The Divine Spirit to whom I am indebted for constancy in preserving my purity seemed to fill me with light and knowledge and to all the proofs which I gave of the solidity of our Faith, neither Diocletian nor his courtiers could find an answer.

Then, the frenzied Emperor dashed at me, commanding a guard to chain an anchor around my neck and bury me deep in the waters of the Tiber. The order was executed. I was cast into the water, but God sent me two angels who unfastened the anchor. It fell into the river mud, where it remains no doubt to the present time. The angels transported me gently in full view of the multitude upon the riverbank. I came back unharmed, not even wet, after being plunged with the heavy anchor.

In Memoriam of Deceased Members of the Silva Family.In Memoriam of Deceased Members of the Silva Family.

When a cry of joy rose from the debauchers on the shore, and so many embraced Christianity by proclaiming their belief in my God, Diocletian attributed my preservation to secret magic. Then the Emperor had me dragged through the streets of Rome and shot with a shower of arrows. My blood flowed, but I did not faint. Diocletian thought that I was dying and commanded the guards to carry me back to the dungeon. Heaven honored me with a new favor there. I fell into a sweet sleep, and I found myself, on awaking, perfectly cured.

Diocletian learned about it. ‘Well, then,’ he cried in a fit of rage, ‘let her be pierced with sharp darts a second time, and let her die in that torture.’ They hastened to obey him. Again, the archers bent their bows. They gathered all their strength, but the arrows refused to second their intentions. The Emperor was present. In a rage, he called me a magician, and thinking that the action of fire could destroy the enchantment, ordered the darts to be made in a furnace and directed against my heart. He was obeyed, but these darts, after having passed through a part of the space which they were to cross to come to me, took a quite contrary direction and returned to strike those by whom they had been hurled. Six of the archers were killed by them. Several among them renounced paganism, and the people began to render public testimony to the power of God that protected me.

These murmurs and acclamations infuriated the tyrant. He determined to hasten my death by ordering my head to be cut off. My soul took flight towards my heavenly Spouse, who placed me, with the crown of virginity and the palm of martyrdom, in a distinguished place among the elect. The day that was so happy for me and saw me enter into glory was Friday, the third hour after mid-day, the same hour that saw my Divine Master expire."

What is noteworthy from a historical perspective is not only that this revelation was confirmed by two other individuals unknown to each other (one a priest, the other a historian), but these other historical facts: 1) The Third Century Roman Emperor was known for executing Christians by the use of arrows, exemplified by St. Sebastian; 2) The Third Century Roman Emperor was also known for killing Christians by tying anchors around their necks and throwing them into the water; 3) The reference to "Lumena" -- the name given to her at birth, "Light" -- and then at Baptism, "Fi Lumena," "Daughter of Light," may explain the arrangement of the tiles found at the grave as "Lumena," her first given name, was on the first tile.
Happy Feast Day of St. Philomena
St. Philomena, Martyr, maiden fair
we love thee with the rose wreath in your hair
thou clasping close the green imortal palm
plead strong and sweet for us in heavens calm
with Him who bids thee succor every need
he says not nay when thou dost interced
then mighty martyr help us through lifes race and show us at the gates of gold thy lovely face