Sunday, September 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to Oyr Mother and Queen of Heaven!!!!<3
Here are some poems to celebrate Mary's Birthday and also, why not Offer a Rosary to Mary as a Birthday gift today, your mother hasn't heard from you in decades;)

The Birthday of Our Queen
All hail, O new world! Come and see
Here in a cradle lies our Queen,
Mother of God, one day to be,
O come and see this heavenly scene.
A beauteous, fragrant rose-bud,
Immaculate! God's own flower,
His masterpiece of royal blood
Who came to earth this midnight hour!
Thousands of angels stand to guard
This mystical counterpart of God
And Seraphs play sweet lullabies
Upon their harps, as Cherubs laud.
Hail holy babe! Hail full of grace!
With wee hands clasped, with eyelids closed
She talks with God - face to face!
Sr. Francis Marie
Robert, Cyril. Mary Immaculate: God's Mother and Mine. Poughkeepsie, NY: Marist Press, 1946.
September's Child

Birth of the Virgin Mary
Mariae Geburt
September's skies are sapphire hue;
Blue gentians star the woods at morn
Near crystal pools in woodland aisles -
In this bright month a Queen was born.
No silver fanfare filled the air
As angel wings flashed round the child;
No crown was placed upon her head,
But at her halo, Heaven smiled.
October's trees wear rosaries
Of gold and scarlet, green and brown,
And as the west wind fingers them
The Ave-leaves drift slowly down.
May raises high her blossom-shrines
Where bird-choirs sing their wood-notes wild,
But both these months pay homage to
A blue-gowned Queen - September's child.
Sr. Maryanna 
Nativity of Our Lady
Deep hung the pagan darkness when she came,
Christ's Mother, to the world of sin and woe,
The sweet uplifter earth had sighed for so.
The vestal lights burned dim; the rose wreath's flame
Leaped into ashes, like hearts dead to shame.
Once bright with virtue's rare and chastening glow,
Until by pagan passion-fires brought low;
Honor was dead, and vice alone was fame.
Then shone the glory of true womanhood,
The strong, the pure, the gentle and the good,
Through her creation claimed a bartered right,
New flowers flushed in pagan gardens wild.
Ascendant, like the day-star in the night,
Reigned the Christ's Mother, sinless, undefiled.
F.L. Murphy - The Apostle - September 1965.
Our Lady's Nativity
Star of the morning, how still was thy shining,
when its young splendor arose on the sea!
Only the angels, the secret divining,
hailed the long-promised, the chosen, in thee.
Sad were the fallen, and vainly dissembled
fears of "the woman" in Eden foretold;
darkly they guessed, as believing they trembled,
who was the gem for the casket of gold.
Oft as thy parents bent musingly o'er thee,
watching thy slumbers and blessing their God,
little as they dreamt of the glory before thee,
little they thought thee the mystical Rod.
Though the deep heart of the nations forsaken
beat with a sense of deliverance nigh;
true to a hope through the ages unshaken,
looked for "the day-spring" to break "from on high";
Thee they perceived not, the pledge of redemption
hidden like thought, though no longer afar;
not through the light of a peerless exemption
beamed in thy rising, immaculate star!

The Nativity of the Virgin Mary
All in the twilight, so modestly shining,
dawned thy young beauty, sweet star of the sea!
Only the angels, the secret divining,
hailed the elected, "the Virgin" in thee.
B.H.D. Catholic World - September 1870, v.11, page 825
Our Lady's Birthday
My heart went out ashopping
on life's highway
to choose a precious present
for Mary's birthday:
It trafficked first with pleasure;
her wares were all unfit
to give the Queen of Sorrows
whose days were grief-lit.
The shop of wealth allured it -
with ivory, silver, jade;
with coffers, gold-enladened;
with luxuries man-made.
But heart o'mine was sated
within a little hour -
what would Lady Mary's be
a precious, precious present
for her of Galilee.
But fame refused admittance -
Since years and years ago
Mary had defrauded it,
had gone incognito.
Just around the corner
in a quiet byway,
my heart came on a present
for Mary's birthday:
Beauty, royal beauty,
was hourly being wrought
by craftsmen of the shops of God -
ah! Could this gift be bought!
Sir Chastity, the Weaver,
with Lady Poverty,
obedience, the priceless woof -
the wheel - constancy.
My heart has done its shopping
in the King's byway;
and Mary shall have beauty
as gift on her birthday.
Frances Marie Shannon The Sign - September 1934
All the saints found it hard to believe St. Ann when she said she remembered little Mary in a knee-length dress, with pigtails and bangs, with sandals on her feet. . . when she ran through Polish backyards and looked into the well and was greeted not by an angel, but by a dog with a wagging tail.

(Fr. Jan Twardowski, Tak ludzka)
Happy Birthday to MAry!!!!!♥♥♥-J.M.J
God love you-<3 Heart

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