Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hello September!!!!!!!

September is a great month! The weather begins to cool, blue sky, crisp air, the beginning of that "lets get cozy season with apple cider! lol.September is traditionally dedicated to the Seven Sorrows (or Dolours) of Mary, and the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows falls in September. The Sorrows are:the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the loss of the Holy Child at Jerusalemfor three days, meeting Jesus on his way to Calvary,standing at the foot of the Cross, Jesus being taken from the Cross, and the burial of Christ. Read more about Our Lady of Sorrows in our article here.
So this month,
Indulgences for devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows are three hundred days each day, and the devotions may be performed in public or private; a plenary indulgence on any day of September or 1-8 October under the usual conditions. I would also like to dedicate this month to the guardian angels and everyone else is welcome to do the same, the reason I ahve chosen to do so is 1st to prepare myself for the feast of the guardian angels which is actually at the beginning of next month, and 2nd, I dont really know why, I just had a feeling that I wanted to dedicate this month to my guardian angel and thats basically it.
Thats not all thats going on this month, we also get to celebrate Mary's Birthday!, which is the 8th of this month and we also celebrate Michaelmas! What is Michaelmas you ask? Michaelmas day is the feast day of St. Michael the Archangel! which is on the 29th. St. Michael is the patron of the sea and maritime lands, ships and boatman, horse, horsemen, policeman, ect. He was the angel who hurled lucifer down/out of heaven for his treachery. It is also the day to celebrate the harvest.;)                                            
Another feast day which we get to celbrate in the month of September isthat of St. Januarius. He was a martyr and every year on his feast day his blood, which is kept in a glass container (I'm not realyl sure what you call it) Liquefies, it's so cool, a friend of my went there on his feast day last year and saw! So awesome! I want to see it one day myself;)

I would also like to share this with you :here are the Holy Father's Monthly Intentions for September 2013. God bless!


Value of Silence. That people today, often overwhelmed by noise, may rediscover the value of silence and listen to the voice of God and their brothers and sisters.
Persecuted Christians. That Christians suffering persecution in many parts of the world may by their witness be prophets of Christ's love.

This month Indulgenced prayers are below and if you like you can use them any time that  you like, you usually have to say them  for a full month to gain the indulgence, just to let you know if you want to follow along:

O Mary, Virgin Mother of God, Pray to Jesus for me!
An indulgence of 300 days; plenanry indulgence under the usual conditions, for the devout recitation of this invocation every day throughout a month)

Mary Most Sorrowful, Mother of Christians Pray for us! (An indulgence of 300 days; plenanry indulgence under the usual conditions, for the devout recitation of this invocation every day throughout a month)

Angel of God, My Guardian Dear to whom Gods love commits to me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide Amen.
Prayers for the Month of September<3-heart 
                                                           Bye now and God love you!
                                                                   (Fulton j. Sheen)

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